Is your Generator Ready to Go?

Is your Generator Ready to Go?

You’ve invested in purchasing a generator at your property should you lose electrical service during an emergency or weather event. But are you maintaining it properly? Here are five points to consider to keep it in optimal condition. 1) Keep the area around your...

Top 5 Generator Maintenance Tips

Sometimes we take our backup generator for granted and forget to maintain it. Stevens Electric has 5 simple and easy tips to keep it running for years. A backup generator, also known as a home generator can be crucial in areas that lose power often. Nobody wants to be...

A Backup Generator is a Need

Unexpected weather, blown transformer, or even an act of god can take out the power of an entire block leaving you, the home owner, without out power for upwards to a week. Has it happened to you before? I know it has happened to me. Thanksgiving of 2014 the power...