6 Reasons your Electric Bill is High

6 Reasons your Electric Bill is High

Most property owners have likely dealt with the unpleasant surprise of an unexpectedly high electric bill at some point. Why does it happen? It can be caused by a wide array of things. Here we aim to help you troubleshoot what the root of the problem might be. 1)...
Benefits of a Smart Electricity Meter

Benefits of a Smart Electricity Meter

If you’re wondering why many utility companies are making the move to smart electricity meters, we’re here to help break things down for you. Smart meters are replacing old analog meters and are meant to offer benefits to both customers and utility providers. Current...
Is your Generator Ready to Go?

Is your Generator Ready to Go?

You’ve invested in purchasing a generator at your property should you lose electrical service during an emergency or weather event. But are you maintaining it properly? Here are five points to consider to keep it in optimal condition. 1) Keep the area around your...
Spring Spruce Up: Installing Solar Lights in Your Yard

Spring Spruce Up: Installing Solar Lights in Your Yard

Ahh…April. Spring is upon us and that means some sprucing up for many of us. In your outdoor space, you may be looking to beautify a garden or sitting area. With the months and days growing warmer and warmer, you’ll be able to enjoy this space for a longer...